Nov 16, 2011

Healthier Green Bean Casserole

Now, I already know what you're going say "Beans aren't Paleo!!".  Yes, I know this...BUT, it's Thanksgiving, and we all know those Pre-Paleo ways might creep back into our diets.  So, with that being said, here's a healthy twist on a Thanksgiving staple.

Onion Topping
  • 2-3 medium onions, very thinly sliced
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut milk
  • 2-3 tablespoons of coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil or tallow for frying
Healthy Cream of Mushroom Sauce
  • 1/2 cup organic butter or ghee
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/3 of onion mix above
  • 8-10 mushrooms, finely diced
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4-5 egg yolks
  • coconut milk or water to thin
  • 5 cans of cut or french style green beans (can also use fresh or 2-3 bags of frozen, just heat first to remove extra liquid)

How To Make It:
1. Thinly slice all the onions, separate, and put in medium bowl.
2. Add the two eggs and the coconut milk and mix well until evenly incorporated.
3. Add coconut flour and mix by hand until evenly coated (note: may use slightly more or less depending on your brand of coconut flour.)
4. Put tallow in large skillet and turn on medium high heat.
5. When hot, add the coated onions and evenly brown, turning occasionally.
6. When browned, remove from heat and set aside.
7. In medium sauce pan, melt butter and saute mushrooms until starting to brown, then add coconut milk.
8. Whisk in egg yolks and spices and about 1/3 of the onion topping mixture and continue stirring until the yolks begin to cook and the mixture thickens.
9. Add extra milk or water if needed to thin (only a few tablespoons might be needed).
10. Drain green beans and pour into a 9×13 baking dish.
11. Pour the creamy mixture over and mix well until incorporated.
12. Top with onion mixture and heat at 325 in oven until topping starts to crisp (but not burn!) and green beans are heated.

Happy Eating!!

Nov 9, 2011

Feeling like ME again!!

Below is a picture of my personal training client (and friend!), Jess, before we started our CrossFit journey together.  Here, in her own words, she describes how she felt before CrossFit came into her life and what made her decide to jump in, head first, with me by her side...

"I was very active and athletic in my early adult years and I never worried much about getting fat.  Well, eight years of being happily married, two kids, hectic schedules, a love of good food and cooking and well...I was fat. I had lost my confidence in being me.  After seeing my friend, Nina, (who had just had a baby) work hard at getting into some major hotness, I mean shape, from joining CrossFit Round Rock, I was sold.  BUT my mind was my biggest challenge.  Several excuses like 'I don't have time', 'I am exhausted as it is, how could I work out?', 'I'm not that out of shape', 'We can't afford it' all whirled in my head.  Then it happened.  I saw a picture of myself, I realized just how heavy and out of shape I had become. I got on the scale....205. Wow. I was DONE, DONE, DONE with not feeling strong, sexy and confident!!!"

I began to train Jess at the end of June, twice a week.  We talked about nutrition at her very first session, and all she needed to hear were the words "Paleo Diet".  The next time we met to train, she had already downloaded a Paleo cookbook on her Kindle -  I thought to myself "I love this woman's determination and go get 'em attitude!!!".  Within her first month of eating Paleo and working out with me twice a week, she lost 10lbs....Amazing!!  Here she talks about the rest of her journey and how she feels today...

"I started personal training with Coach Aggie in June.  IT WAS HARD.  IT IS HARD.  All my years of training horses, being drug around by 800lb cattle, even playing rugby, had not prepared me for the intensity of CrossFit.  It kicked my butt, LITERALLY.  Almost instantly, I could see results though, and I sure could 'feel' results! In four awesome months, I am down to 177lbs. YES, 28lbs - GONE!! More importantly than what is gone, is what I have gained.  Thanks to Coach Aggie and her awesome, relentless support and encouragement I AM BACK.  I feel SEXY, CONFIDENT, STRONG, and PROUD....I feel like ME again!   If you want it, even if you have never had it, you deserve it, so DO IT...You CAN do it!  Words cannot express the gratitude and love I have for Aggie.  She is one of the most patient, supportive and dedicated people I know.  Thank you Aggie, so very much, THANK YOU!"
This is Jess on Halloween
I can't describe the pride, and joy I feel for being able to help Jess get back to feeling confident, sexy and proud of herself.  She is truly amazing and I feel honored that she chose me to go on this journey with her.  Keep up the great work Jess, I'll always be by your side :)

Nov 2, 2011


What does family mean to you?

To me, family is a group of people that you can count on to lift you up when your down, help you out in times of need, and even tell you when you're wrong.  To me, family means acceptance, love and encouragement.  My family doesn't just consist of my blood relatives, it's filled with the ones I love the most and interact with on a daily basis.  My friends outside of CrossFit, my fellow CFRR coaches and members - I truly love and admire them - I cherish the relationships I've made with everyone and hope I can give to them, the kind of support, love and kindness they have given me.  I know Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I should've saved this for then, but I wanted my "FAMILY" to know I'm thankful for them EVERY day, not just one day out of the year.  
Much love!!