Mar 28, 2012

My Struggles with Balance

Work/Life Balance....does this actually exist?  If so, I have yet to find it - LOL!!  I struggle with this pretty much on a daily basis.  My 2012 New Year's Resolution was to have it, and while it's definitely much better, I still have some work to do in order to get that complete feeling of balance in my work and my life.

I think most of my struggles come from wanting to please EVERYBODY.  My son, my boyfriend, friends, members, and fellow coaches at CFRR.  I don't think people realize how much it takes to be a CrossFit coach - a good one at least.  We don't just show up and coach a WOD, if that's what you're thinking.  Those of you that take my classes, know that if you don't show up, I text or email you to find out why.  I also make sure to congratulate and recognize my class members for their outstanding efforts in class and out.  If a member is having a hard time outside of the gym in real life?  Here comes Aggie texting, emailing or FB'ing (yes, it's a word) to make sure they're ok - let's just say on any given day, I'm emailing, texting and FB'ing A LOT of people.  Add to that my Gym Manager responsibilities and the coaches workout... I'm not left with much time.  But  PLEASE don't get me wrong - I love my job!!  It's my passion to help people change their lives for the better and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I guess I struggle the most with my family time.  It's hard to separate my work from my family, because I feel like everyone at CFRR is a part of my family!!  My boyfriend and I usually see one another for about 30 minutes in the morning and then maybe an hour or two in the evening.  We both work Saturday's quite often, so Sunday is really our only FULL day off together.  I share custody of my son with my ex-husband, so I only get to see him every other week, and even then, it's not much more than what I see my boyfriend :(  I always have tremendous guilt, because I feel I take for granted the fact that my son is, son, and he will always be my son and love me.  So, I tend to put work before anything, and that's where the guilt comes in.  I ask myself questions like "When he's older, will he understand why I worked so much?" "Does he realize I'm HELPING people?"  "Will he resent me for not being there more, or will he be proud of what I have accomplished?". SO many questions and SO much guilt.  I'm sure every working mother out there has feelings of guilt.  I know I'm not alone, for sure.  Right?  Hello??  Is anybody out there??  Cheesus, please someone tell me I'm not alone in this haha!!!

  So, what have I done since making that New Year's Resolution to improve on this work/life balance thing?  I'm glad you asked!!  ;-)  At the beginning of the year, I switched my morning classes to be back to back on the same days, so I'm not waking up at 4am every day, therefore, I'm not "grumpy mom/girlfriend" when I get home.  I also omitted two classes from my roster and just recently gave up another (you should definitely check out the Saturday 9am with coach V - she's great!).  I make sure I leave the gym by 6:30pm every night and when I get home we have a pretty strict policy of no FB or phones/computers after 7:30pm (yes, I know I'm posting this after 7:30pm on FB, but I'm still a work in progress people!!).  Those adjustments have helped a lot, but like I said, I still have some work to do.  If you have any suggestions, PLEASE..send them my way!!!!

Good luck to all you working moms out there....stay focused and stay strong!!

coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Mar 21, 2012

Dinner Impossible? Think Again!!!

If your household is like mine - filled with picky eaters - then those three words can make you cringe!!   I eat a paleo diet, and even though he tries, my boyfriend...does not.  Then throw in my 11 year old son that thinks the only vegetables in the world are carrots and green beans, and you've got some dinner time issues.  Who wants to cook three different meals each night?  NOT ME!!!

My solution?  My new "Paleo Comfort Foods" cookbook.  You see, I'm just one of those people that can eat the same thing every day and not think twice about it (ground beef, salsa and guac is my go to meal!!) so I never even look for new recipes - food is fuel, right?  My son on the other hand, looks at me each night and says "chicken AGAIN??" and even though he doesn't say it, I know my boyfriend is secretly thinking the same thing.  That look on his face says it all, lol!!  Anyway...back to my new cookbook!

I first heard about this cookbook from a member that was on my #reborn nutrition challenge team.  She was sending me her food logs and everything sounded SO yummy!  So, while I was at the Paleo F/X seminar last week, I purchased myself a copy.  Of course, when I look through it, EVERYTHING looks delish!  But I needed my two picky eaters to agree with my choices, so last night I had them look it over.  Let me tell you....if it had the word "mushroom" or the picture had "green thingys" (and that wasn't my 11 year old saying that either!!) in was a no go.  "I can change some of the ingredients guys." is all I said, then it was "oooooh, this one looks good, but without those nasty mushrooms."  I'm pretty sure I heard angels sing at that moment haha!!  Seriously?  We ALL agree on 3 new meals??  3 might not be much to some, but to me it was a miracle!!  Our first main dish recipe to try will be a pork tenderloin stuffed with pecash (pecan/cashew) butter and apples...I'll let you know how it goes - Fingers Crossed!!!

So, Aggie's tip for the gluten free, paleo dieting,  busy mom with picky eaters?  Go buy this cookbook STAT!! 

Mar 14, 2012


Missing: Tiffany and Vanessa

On January 14th, this team of incredible people began CFRR's #reborn Nutrition Challenge, and I was blessed with being their coach through 8 weeks of strict Paleo.  The first week was a little rough for some, but by week 2 and 3, we were in our groove and the food logs they were sending me, were spot on. 

From the beginning the members of team PTFO (there's a story behind that name, but that's a whole other blog haha!!) were a united front.  Emailing recipes, giving each other encouragement, being honest with one another (and me!) about how they felt, and what they were eating.  As a coach, this is one of my favorite things to witness...people that WANT change and actually DO the work to get it.  The whole team was ready, willing and committed to achieving their goals and it showed in their results.

March 10th marked the end of their journey and I could not be more proud of these athletes!!!  Each one of them lost inches, weight and body fat, as well as PR'd their challenge WOD, but more importantly....gained knowledge and healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

You are forever engrained in my heart PTFO'ers!!!  I know you will continue with this lifestyle and I CANNOT wait to watch you continue to grow - ummm, I mean SHRINK lol ;-)!!! 

Much Love and ...PTFO!
~coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy