Dec 23, 2011

New Year. New Goals.

On January 14th, CrossFit Round Rock will be beginning a nutritional challenge like no other.  We know that not every person that walks through our doors has the same goal, so with that in mind, we created a program that has four distinct groups.  Whether your goal is weight loss, lean mass gain, endurance, or competitive crossfitter, we have a nutrition plan for you!!  Read below to see which category you fall into. your coach and enroll in this amazing event, that will help you to reach a goal you may have thought was impossible.  It's a new year, time for new goals...and this time, you're going to achieve GREATNESS!!!

Visit our website or contact me at for more information.  Let this be the year of YOU!!!

Dec 14, 2011

The Firecracker

Don't let her size fool you...Maureen is a powerhouse!!  

You know when you meet someone and you just know that they're REAL?  Well.....that's Mo.  She's a "no holds barred" kind of lady, and I LOVE that about her.  She attacks life, like she attacks her WOD's.  Self motivated, self assured and in charge of her destiny.  A truly inspirational woman!!  She's also ridiculously funny, has a warm heart and an extremely caring personality.  Keep that drive Mo, we're all looking to you as a leader, both in class and in life.  Much Love!!!


How's everyone doing on their 2012 push up challenge??  If Maureen can do them in front of the Capital Building, YOU can do them in front of the TV.  Get on it people, 60 a day!!!

~coach Aggie
Strong is the New Sexy

Dec 7, 2011

Good to Great!

This week at CFRR, we've been doing a lot of soul searching and really digging into what we want for the future, who we are as coaches and how we can work together better to benefit our members, our business and ourselves.  About three months ago we all took the Strength Finders test and found that each of us brings something different to the team....the A-Team, as we like to call ourselves.  All these different strengths we have, when combined, are unstoppable!!  We have "Woo'ers", "Includers", "Futuristics", "Adaptibility" and "Learners".  Me...I'm a MAXIMIZER, which I LOVE being, #1 because I'm the only one out of the group (ha!) and #2 I actually see it in myself and believe I use it.  A maximizer is someone that takes something good and makes it great.  I HATE half a$$ sh*t!!  I really do, it drives me insane, just ask my boyfriend, Beau LOL!  Anyhoooooo.....

The end of the year is almost here and we're looking to 2012 to be the best year yet at CFRR.  The A-Team is ready.  Ready to build, grow, learn and prosper.  I work with an AMAZING group of coaches and I know in my heart, we will be the best!  The best at what?  Oh, pretty much everything.  :) 

Stay warm my peeps!
~coach Aggie

Nov 16, 2011

Healthier Green Bean Casserole

Now, I already know what you're going say "Beans aren't Paleo!!".  Yes, I know this...BUT, it's Thanksgiving, and we all know those Pre-Paleo ways might creep back into our diets.  So, with that being said, here's a healthy twist on a Thanksgiving staple.

Onion Topping
  • 2-3 medium onions, very thinly sliced
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut milk
  • 2-3 tablespoons of coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil or tallow for frying
Healthy Cream of Mushroom Sauce
  • 1/2 cup organic butter or ghee
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/3 of onion mix above
  • 8-10 mushrooms, finely diced
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4-5 egg yolks
  • coconut milk or water to thin
  • 5 cans of cut or french style green beans (can also use fresh or 2-3 bags of frozen, just heat first to remove extra liquid)

How To Make It:
1. Thinly slice all the onions, separate, and put in medium bowl.
2. Add the two eggs and the coconut milk and mix well until evenly incorporated.
3. Add coconut flour and mix by hand until evenly coated (note: may use slightly more or less depending on your brand of coconut flour.)
4. Put tallow in large skillet and turn on medium high heat.
5. When hot, add the coated onions and evenly brown, turning occasionally.
6. When browned, remove from heat and set aside.
7. In medium sauce pan, melt butter and saute mushrooms until starting to brown, then add coconut milk.
8. Whisk in egg yolks and spices and about 1/3 of the onion topping mixture and continue stirring until the yolks begin to cook and the mixture thickens.
9. Add extra milk or water if needed to thin (only a few tablespoons might be needed).
10. Drain green beans and pour into a 9×13 baking dish.
11. Pour the creamy mixture over and mix well until incorporated.
12. Top with onion mixture and heat at 325 in oven until topping starts to crisp (but not burn!) and green beans are heated.

Happy Eating!!

Nov 9, 2011

Feeling like ME again!!

Below is a picture of my personal training client (and friend!), Jess, before we started our CrossFit journey together.  Here, in her own words, she describes how she felt before CrossFit came into her life and what made her decide to jump in, head first, with me by her side...

"I was very active and athletic in my early adult years and I never worried much about getting fat.  Well, eight years of being happily married, two kids, hectic schedules, a love of good food and cooking and well...I was fat. I had lost my confidence in being me.  After seeing my friend, Nina, (who had just had a baby) work hard at getting into some major hotness, I mean shape, from joining CrossFit Round Rock, I was sold.  BUT my mind was my biggest challenge.  Several excuses like 'I don't have time', 'I am exhausted as it is, how could I work out?', 'I'm not that out of shape', 'We can't afford it' all whirled in my head.  Then it happened.  I saw a picture of myself, I realized just how heavy and out of shape I had become. I got on the scale....205. Wow. I was DONE, DONE, DONE with not feeling strong, sexy and confident!!!"

I began to train Jess at the end of June, twice a week.  We talked about nutrition at her very first session, and all she needed to hear were the words "Paleo Diet".  The next time we met to train, she had already downloaded a Paleo cookbook on her Kindle -  I thought to myself "I love this woman's determination and go get 'em attitude!!!".  Within her first month of eating Paleo and working out with me twice a week, she lost 10lbs....Amazing!!  Here she talks about the rest of her journey and how she feels today...

"I started personal training with Coach Aggie in June.  IT WAS HARD.  IT IS HARD.  All my years of training horses, being drug around by 800lb cattle, even playing rugby, had not prepared me for the intensity of CrossFit.  It kicked my butt, LITERALLY.  Almost instantly, I could see results though, and I sure could 'feel' results! In four awesome months, I am down to 177lbs. YES, 28lbs - GONE!! More importantly than what is gone, is what I have gained.  Thanks to Coach Aggie and her awesome, relentless support and encouragement I AM BACK.  I feel SEXY, CONFIDENT, STRONG, and PROUD....I feel like ME again!   If you want it, even if you have never had it, you deserve it, so DO IT...You CAN do it!  Words cannot express the gratitude and love I have for Aggie.  She is one of the most patient, supportive and dedicated people I know.  Thank you Aggie, so very much, THANK YOU!"
This is Jess on Halloween
I can't describe the pride, and joy I feel for being able to help Jess get back to feeling confident, sexy and proud of herself.  She is truly amazing and I feel honored that she chose me to go on this journey with her.  Keep up the great work Jess, I'll always be by your side :)

Nov 2, 2011


What does family mean to you?

To me, family is a group of people that you can count on to lift you up when your down, help you out in times of need, and even tell you when you're wrong.  To me, family means acceptance, love and encouragement.  My family doesn't just consist of my blood relatives, it's filled with the ones I love the most and interact with on a daily basis.  My friends outside of CrossFit, my fellow CFRR coaches and members - I truly love and admire them - I cherish the relationships I've made with everyone and hope I can give to them, the kind of support, love and kindness they have given me.  I know Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I should've saved this for then, but I wanted my "FAMILY" to know I'm thankful for them EVERY day, not just one day out of the year.  
Much love!!

Oct 25, 2011

A delicious Fall treat!

Here's a great Fall recipe for "Caramel Apples", courtesy of The Spunky Coconut.

Caramel Sauce

½ C honey
½ C maple syrup
½ tsp baking soda
    1. Warm a large sauce pan over medium heat, add honey and maple syrup to hot pan
    2.  Once bubbles begin to form, turn heat to medium low having little hands stir (to prevent burning) for 10 minutes
    3. Mixture will bubble and potentially expand over edge of pot, if that happens remove from heat and stir, return to heat once bubbles subside
    4. Once sauce has thickened and the color darkened (about 10 minutes), remove from heat to add baking soda
    5. Whisk in baking soda thoroughly and return to medium heat for 2-3 minutes, whisk constantly until sauce has become a thick, rich bubbly sauce that does not deflate when moved off of heat
    6. Remove from heat and let cool, stirring occasionally – sauce will reincorporate to a thick caramel consistency
    7. Store in an airtight container for several months, serve and use warm (microwave or stove top)

    Caramel Apples

    1 C Caramel Sauce (see above)
    2 C chopped pecans
    6 medium apples
    6 bamboo skewers

    1. Set-up a dipping station: 1 bowl of warmed (not too hot!) Caramel Sauce, 1 bowl of chopped pecans, and skewered apples
    2. Gently roll skewered apple in caramel sauce (least messy if you roll on the top surface, rather than try to immerse it entirely)
    3. Let caramelized apple sit for 2-3 minutes, to allow caramel to somewhat harden (otherwise nuts will slide down apples’ sides)
    4. Roll caramelized apples into nuts
    5. Allow apples to harden by storing in the refrigerator – or enjoy warm if you can’t wait!
    Happy Eating!!!
    -Coach Aggie
    "Strong is Sexy"

    Oct 11, 2011


    Definition: to enable or permit

    Here are the women that attend my 5:15 ladies only class.  Let me tell you...these are some STRONG, FOCUSED, DEDICATED women!!  What makes me proudest of them??  In every class you can hear them cheer for one another and push each other to do "one more rep" or "sprint to the finish".  They also carry on their friendships outside of the gym, which I think is spectacular!  It helps them stay on target with their diet, and also gives them that extra nudge to make it to class EVERY day.  Nobody wants to be called out by a friend for skipping CrossFit haha :)  I feel lucky that I'm the person that empowers them to be the absolute best they can be.

    The most common way people give up their power
    is by thinking they don't have any.
    ~ Alice Walker ~

    Empower yourselves ladies, and keep pushing one another to strive for greatness!!  <3

    -coach Aggie

    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    Sep 28, 2011

    Setting Goals

    A few months ago, I sat down with my bosses at CFRR (yes, it KILLS me to call LA my boss haha- jk, buddy!) and we went over my goals.  I set 3, 6 and 11 month goals for personal, career, and financials.  Well, I'm super pumped to announce that starting October 3rd, I will have reached one of my goals 9 MONTHS ahead of schedule - how awesome is that??!!!

    As most of you know, I've worked a 40 hour per week job and have coached CrossFit in the evenings for quite some time.  Beginning Monday I'll be going part time at my office job and I'll get to do more of what I absolutely love - coach!!!  I feel that this opportunity is SUCH a blessing and I am extremely excited (can't you tell by all the !!!'s??) :-)

    Here are a few tips to help you set your goals and, hopefully, achieve all that you desire!!! 

    - WRITE DOWN THOSE GOALS!!!  Putting something in writing is like creating a contract with yourself.  Plus, when you actually SEE the goal in front of you, it will remind you what you need to do daily, to get there.

    - MAKE SURE YOUR GOALS ARE REALISTIC. It's important that the time frame you set to achieve your goal is attainable, that way you don't become discouraged when you're not able to reach that particular goal.

    - SET SHORT TERM and LONG TERM GOALS.  Short term goals allow you a sense of accomplishment on a more regular basis. If all of your goals are long term, you'll get discouraged quickly. Short term goals help you to stay on track.

    - PRIORITIZE!!!!  Sort the goals you have written down in order of importance.

    - REWARD YOURSELF!!!  Rewarding yourself when you reach a short term goal, will help you stay focused and motivated to reach those long term goals.  Plus, celebrating your accomplishment is FUN!!

    Now......get out that paper and start writing out your goals!!! 
    See it.  Believe it.  Achieve it.

    -coach Aggie
    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    Sep 20, 2011

    Delicious Paleo Salisbury Steak with Mashed "Potatoes"

    Here's an amazing recipe for salisbury steak, I got from  Of course I added/deleted a few things, but for the most part it's the same recipe.  The "potatoes" I just kind of made up as I went along, thankfully they turned out!!  Here's the list of ingredients, followed by the recipe, ENJOY!!!

    Salisbury Steak
    2 pounds of ground beef
    1 cup spinach, finely diced
    1 egg
    1 teaspoon crushed garlic
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    1 tablespoon dried thyme
    ½ teaspoon rubbed sage
    ¼ teaspoon ground marjoram
    ¼ teaspoon finely ground black pepper
    2 tablespoons grass fed butter, ghee, or coconut oil
    4 tablespoons butter
    1 red onion thinly sliced
    ½ red bell pepper thinly sliced
    2 cups sliced crimini mushrooms
    1 cup beef broth
    ¼ cup coconut milk
    Black pepper to taste

    In a large mixing bowl place all the ingredients for the steaks and using your hands mix well.  In a large skillet, heat the butter over medium high heat.  While the butter is melting, form the hamburger mixture into thin oval patties (makes 7-8).  Place the patties into the hot melted butter, make sure it sizzles, you want the pan to be nice and hot!  Cook for 2 minutes on each side, the meat should be nice and browned on both sides. You’ll have to cook these in batches so add more butter or coconut oil if necessary. Once all the steaks are done, place in the oven to keep warm and now it’s time for the gravy!

    In the same pan that you just cooked your steaks in, melt the butter over medium heat. Saute the onions, bell pepper, and mushrooms in the butter until tender, about 7-8 minutes.  Add the beef broth and deglaze the pan (scrape all the bits off the bottom of the pan that might still be there from cooking the steaks).  

    Bring to a boil and add the coconut milk and pepper.  Mix well, bring back to a boil.  At this point you’ll want to turn the heat down until the gravy is just simmering.  Now you’ll want to reduce down the gravy by stirring frequently for about 10 minutes until the sauce starts to thicken.
    Paleo Mashed "Potatoes"
    1 head cauliflower
    minced garlic
    sea salt
    ghee or organic butter

    Wash and cut cauliflower into small pieces. 
    Place chopped cauliflower, sea salt, pepper and garlic into a steamer bag and steam according to directions on bag (about 4 mins). 
    Put steamed cauliflower in a blender or food processor with organic butter (add more sea slat, pepper and garlic if needed) and puree until smooth like mashed potatoes.
    Serve alongside the salisbury steak and you've got one healthy and GREAT tasting meal!!

    Happy eating!!

    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    Sep 13, 2011

    Push Yourself!!!

    If you don't look like this after your WOD....

    Chances are you may not be pushing yourself hard enough.

    Increase that weight!  Don't walk during a run, even when your head is telling you you're tired!  Make a goal for yourself, if you did 5 reps in a row without stopping last time, do 7 this time!

    CrossFit is all about goals. You're competing against yourself, so don't be afraid to set them high.  If you fail, brush it off and try again next time.  When you TRY, you're only making yourself stronger.  Your success is up to YOU.

    The CrossFit Games will be on ESPN2 beginning Wednesday, September 14th.  I'm super stoked!!  My DVR is set and I'll be in my PJ's watching them for sure.  You should too, it's a GREAT way to get/stay motivated!!!

    Much love, 
    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    Sep 7, 2011

    Mission Accomplished!

    CONGRATULATIONS to my team, Strong and Sexy!!!  

    Their Labor Day weekend began with an insanely hard WOD (1k run, 20 burpees, 40 ring rows, 60 KB swings, 80 wall ball, 100 sledge hammers, and another 1k run) and getting the results from their 6 weeks on a strict Paleo/Primal food challenge -  "Operation Caveman".  The total inches, pounds and body fat lost are absolutely astounding - I am SO proud of each and every one of them!!!  

    All together these women lost 38lbs, 21.46% body fat, and 35 inches, which makes this coach one happy girl =-)  The best part of it all though....every single one of them have expressed, that the Paleo/Primal lifestyle is going to be their way of life FOREVER - Mission Accomplished!!!  Not only did these ladies choose a healthy lifestyle and get some major results, but they also became each others support group and cheering section.  It was amazing to see such camaraderie between them and I will forever hold each of them in a special place in my heart .  Congrats ladies, I <3 you!!!!!

    Aug 30, 2011

    Embracing the CrossFit lifestyle

    Meet Sandi....a loving, dedicated mother to two handsome boys, a wife, and a CrossFitting bad ass!!!  I have known Sandi for about 4 years now, and have never seen her THIS happy and in charge of her health and fitness.  Once she tried the January CFRR Free For All, it didn't take long for her to dive in head first.  She now attends my M/W/F 5:15pm Ladies Only program, and let me tell you...she is a force to be reckoned with!!!  Here, in her own words, she talks about her journey, and how she embraced the CrossFit lifestyle:

    "I started classes twice a week in February and know in my heart that I will never quit CrossFit. I do WOD's on my days away from CFRR because I love makes me feel so good to not even want to find excuses to not work out. I mean really - I can do a workout in 15 to 20 minutes - sometimes less! There is NO excuse!!! Thanks to the CFRR family, I hear coach's & friend's voices encouraging me even when I'm not at the box!

    I have lost a total of 4.6 lbs, 5.51% body fat and 7.5 inches!

    I have honestly never felt as strong as I do now. Strong - physically...I flex in front of the mirror - I can SEE muscles, I can pick up my sons with no problem - no more back pain (thanks to my now stronger core), I can do push ups on my toes - many of them! I ran a 5k in July in record time for me - 32:10...I love it! I constantly want to push myself in ways I didn't know I could. I'm even training for my first CrossFit competition, Fight Gone Bad 6, and couldn't be more excited!!!

    Strong - mentally - I have THE most confidence in myself and my abilities to do anything than I have EVER had in my 39 years. I am more outgoing, I am truly happy with who I am, what I see in the mirror, what I wear, and most importantly for me, what decisions I make. I don't say "I can't" anymore....because I can...I can do things at CFRR that I have never done before - so if I can do it there - I know I CAN anywhere!"

    BRAVO Sandi!!!  I'm SO proud of all that you have accomplished and I'm most proud of the fact that by embracing the CrossFit lifestyle, you empowered yourself as a woman.  Can't wait to cheer you on at FGB6, keep on, keepin' on!!!

    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    Aug 26, 2011

    What makes you laugh??

    Can your dog do this??  Neither can mine, but it makes me laugh every time I see this picture!!  

    My puppy, Chanel, on the rings at CrossFit Round Rock.  3.5lbs of pure muscle lol!!

    Sometimes work, bills and other responsibilities can get in our way of a good laugh.  I often have to be reminded to "stop and smell the roses" (thanks Beau =-) ), so now I'm reminding all of you!!  Don't be so serious all the time, acting silly and cutting up with friends and family is a HUGE stress reliever.  Make up and sing silly songs with your kids.  Dress up your dog in funny outfits and take pictures.  Watch a comedy movie with the whole family.  Have family game night.  It doesn't matter WHAT you do, just have fun doing it!  Enjoy life and get out there and laugh people!!!

    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    Aug 11, 2011

    Determined Friends

    Meet Janna and Melanie.  These two, beautiful ladies, are EXACTLY what the CFRR family is all about....inspiration, determination, motivation and friendship!!!  


    Janna's husband, Chris (a Rock Star, btw), was already a member at CFRR and encouraged the girls to come to the June "Free For All", since then, they haven't looked back.  Plowing through WOD's with determination, cheers for one another, and even smiles...these ladies are a force to be reckoned with.

    I have the pleasure of coaching these two during CFRR classes and they're both also a part of my "Operation Caveman" team, "Strong and Sexy"...let me tell you...never have I seen such dedication!!  I read their food logs every day and after the initial "week of shock", they've both got Paleo/Primal eating down to a tee.  Upon entering the box, Janna and Mel always have a smile on their face (Janna even smiles when rowing lol) and during the WOD you can hear them cheer and motivate each other, as well as, other members.  I'm so proud to be their coach and can't wait to see how much they accomplish at CFRR!!!!

    Here's to you, Janna and Melanie!!!  Continue to be an inspiration to so many and THANK YOU for such determination and motivation.  Keep up the great work!!!

    -Coach Aggie
    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    Aug 2, 2011

    Challenge Yourself!!!

    On July 23rd, 20 people from CrossFit Round Rock began a challenge like no other.  "Operation Caveman" is a 6 week Paleo/Primal food challenge that will test these athletes' strength in more ways than one.  Beginning with an INSANE WOD, these brave men and women then got weighed, body fat measurements, and (eeeek!!) pictures.

    During these next 6 weeks, I have the pleasure of being the "team mom" for 5 strong, sexy ladies....hence the team name, "Strong and Sexy"!!  Each team member will be emailing me their food log every day, so I can see what needs to be changed, if anything, and will be doing "at home WOD's" as well as their regular CFRR classes.

    Team "Strong and Sexy" pre-WOD (not pictured: Maureen)
    I'm pretty sure the first week on this diet was - to say the least -  a shock to my lovely ladies LOL!!!  I found out who my sweet tooth's were and who gets a little cranky without their morning jolt of caffeine.  All in all, by the end of the week everyone was getting the hang of eating Paleo/Primal.  

    I want to give a shout out to these 5 AMAZING women, for taking on this difficult task.  I'm so excited for them to reap the benefits of eating Paleo/Primal!!  I want them, and everyone, to understand that we should eat to live, not live to eat, and that you can empower yourself by making proper choices.  Food is fuel!!!  

    Good luck ladies and remember this when you want to "cheat"...the only thing you have to lose, are pounds and fat :-)

    Post WOD (not pictured: Maureen)

    To everyone else, I pose this question.....
    When was the last time you challenged yourself?

    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new Sexy" 

    Jul 18, 2011

    Coming back from an injury

    For those of you that I see on a regular basis at CFRR, you know that for the past 3 weeks I've been dealing with an injury.  Unsure if  I broke a rib during a coaches WOD (5 rds of squat snatch, pull-ups, tire flips, and a sprint), I finally quit being stubborn and went to the doctor after 2 weeks of pure pain and breathlessness.  Luckily, I found out I had "only" pulled all the muscles in my rib cage on the left side.  "One more week of rest" the doctor said....I was NOT happy!!!  

    Resting has NEVER been an easy thing for me to do.  I rarely take days off from the box, so 3 weeks was like living in PURE HELL!!!  Watching all these amazing WODs pass me by (one of my fave ladies, "Cindy") and seeing members/colleagues getting their groove on at the gym, was like torture.  Also, being a coach that can't lift anything or show a movement to your class is beyond miserable.  I don't like the feeling of being "incapable", not my style at all.  BUT...sometimes that's just the way it goes, right?

    What if I hadn't listened to the doctor or friends and kept pushing my body?  I could've seriously injured myself and caused myself to be out of the game for even longer or maybe even forever (gasp!).  So, please THINK when you have pain.  If your back, knee, or any joint for that matter, hurts, then maybe you should be taking some time off as well.  Talk to your coach, they can find a regression or a completely different exercise for you to do, as to not harm what's already hurting.  Go to the doctor as soon as possible (yes, I will practice what I preach from now on), you might have a serious injury you don't know about.

    Today will be my first WOD since the injury, and in my head I'm ready to hit it at full throttle.  I'm not crazy enough to do that, of course, but I want to.  Instead, I'm going to ease back into things and really pay attention to the way my body feels.  Everyone needs to do that when coming back from an injury.  Don't expect to go in and lift the same amount of weight you did prior, it's just not going to happen and you risk the chance of re-injuring yourself.  Then you're back at square bueno. 

    Working out with an injury does NOT make you the "cool kid" at CFRR, it makes you, well.....kinda dumb!  Visit a doctor, take ample amount of time to rest, talk to your coach and keep them aware of your situation, and (I know I already said this one) REST!!!!  Can't ever stress that enough.  I know in the future, that's what I'll be doing =-)

    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new sexy"

    Jul 14, 2011

    No more excuses!!!

    So, your excuse for grabbing that fast food on the way home from work was "I don't have time to cook", right?  Wrong answer!!!!!!  I HATE that answer with a burning passion.  It, seriously, makes me want to go into a yelling, foot stomping, rant - for those of you that know me, you know I'm not kidding :-) (I <3 U all!! lol)

    This is what I want to know...Did you have time to watch TV when you got home?  How long did you sit at the computer and Facebook, Twitter, email, etc..??  What I'm saying is, giving up 30 minutes to an hour of "fun" time after a long day, to prepare your own food, is SO, undeniably, worth it!!!

    One thing you should know...EXCUSES DON'T WORK WITH ME!!  Here's why...
    I start my day at 4am and don't get home until around 8:30pm on most nights, so please...spare me the "I'm too tired" or the "I just can't find the time" B.S. and get in the freaking kitchen already!!!  Oh yeah, did I mention I'm a single mother working two jobs?  If anyone doesn't have the time or energy to cook, believe me, it's ME.  BUT....I do it.  I do it, because I love myself and my son enough to make sure we have the right nutrients to fuel our bodies.  I do it, because I don't want my son or myself to fall victim to diabetes, high cholesterol,  heart disease, obesity, or something that hits close to home - Alzheimer's.  My Grandmother died from it and my Mother now suffers from the disease.  Studies haven't "proven" that the Paleo Diet stops you from developing Alzheimer's, but there's enough in the findings that I'm willing to try.  You should be willing to try anything to better YOUR health as well, and fast food just isn't the way. 

    Let's move on.....Are you asking, "How do I do it"??  Well, you're in luck, because I'm going to tell you!! =-) 

    Here are a few tips on getting organized in the kitchen, so you won't have anymore excuses:

    1.  Do your grocery shopping for an entire week.  It saves you from having to stop on your way home from work every day, thus, it saves time and you can get back to your beloved DVR.

    2.  Have foods that can be eaten raw, readily available (apples, bananas, almonds, tuna, avocado, cucumber).  Then if you're in a pinch, you'll have items you can just eat without prep.

    3. Make meals SIMPLE.  Here's a picture of what I made for dinner last night.  Notice I made enough to have for lunch/dinner today.

    It only takes about 15 minutes on the George Foreman grill for the chicken and maybe another 15 to wash, prepare and broil the asparagus.  30 minutes and you have enough food for 2 or 3 days...totally doable!!!

    4. Choose one day of the week to cook multiple meals at once.  You can separate portions and store them in plastic containers inside the fridge.  This is a great time saver, especially on busy mornings when you need to pack a lunch to take with you to work.

    5. Think out of the box!!  You don't necessarily HAVE to have breakfast foods for breakfast, dinner food for dinner, etc.  I know many, many CrossFitters that eat steak, chicken and even fish for breakfast and eggs for dinner.  Be creative and make/eat what you know you like.

    Now...STOP making excuses and get in that kitchen and cook!!!!!

    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    ***SIDE NOTE***
    The CFRR Free For All is this Saturday at 8 and 10am.  There are still a few spots left open, so hurry and  contact  Coach Dawn Marie  ( to reserve yours!!  It's a FREE workout people!!  Who doesn't like FREE???!!!!

    Jul 8, 2011

    Pride and Joy

    Pictured here is my pride and joy, Hayden.  I wanted to dedicate today's blog to him, as it's his 11th birthday!!!  So....


    Did you know that kids can be CrossFitters too?  Just look at the smile on that face as he's climbing the rope.....priceless!!  CrossFit is a great way to encourage kids to explore things they might not ever think to try.  Plus, it builds confidence, self esteem, and teaches kids how to work as a team, as well as leadership skills.  Not to mention, it builds freakishly strong bodies!!!  CrossFit Kids also teaches children about nutrition and what types of foods their bodies need to grow properly.  

    My CrossFit Kids class is coming soon to CrossFit Round Rock and I'm SO very excited to show these little ones what fitness is all about!!  More details will follow, but for now, just think about where you would be today, if your parents had enrolled you in a program like CF Kids.  Do you think you would've accomplished more?  Been more active throughout your adult life?  What would your view on food be?

    CrossFit is changing lives people, end of story.

    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new Sexy"

    Jun 28, 2011

    My Story.....

    First let me start by saying...
    THANK YOU FOR READING my first EVER blog!!

    Here are a few snip-its about me, my life and how CrossFit has inspired me to be a better version of myself.

    I was born (the baby of 5 kids) and raised in Davison, Michigan.  Yes, Michigan...that very cold, frigid, frozen tundra of a state - hence, the reason I moved to Texas when I turned 18 and have not been back since 2002!!  I married in 1995 and had a beautiful baby boy in July of 2000.  That's where my fitness journey begins....

    Throughout my youth and teen years, I was very active in dance (tap, jazz, ballet) and Pom Squad (what Texans consider Drill Team....think, "Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders", just at High School games.), but after becoming an adult and moving away from home, fitness wasn't in my daily, weekly or even monthly routine!  I developed HORRIBLE eating habits, that ultimately escalated into an eating disorder.  I would starve myself for days on end, then, when I couldn't stand the growling in my stomach anymore, I would binge on anything and everything!  This became a devastating cycle and caused me to plunge into a pretty deep depression.  At my lowest weight I was 110lbs, and for someone 5'8", that's pretty darn sick looking!  Yes, I was in that size 0 pair of jeans and I got to wear x-small shirts, but was it all worth it?  I decided it absolutely wasn't.

    Let's fast forward to 1999, when I found out I was pregnant with my son.  Having had my eating disorder pretty much under control for a year or so, I will admit, gaining weight was the first thing I thought of...and it scared me to death.  Not that I wasn't elated to be pregnant, don't get me wrong, I prayed and planned for my son and was extremely happy my dreams were coming true.  It's just that when you have an eating disorder, even if you think it's gone, you're never cured.  It creeps back slowly and you have to learn to control it all over again.  I knew I HAD to eat to benefit my growing baby, so I blocked all those negative feelings about food out of my head, had an amazing pregnancy and birth, and in the end gained 40...yes, 40 pounds, LOL!!!  

    I was determined to look BETTER than I did before I gave birth, so I started to workout to silly video tapes for 3 hours each day while Hayden napped.  I watched what I ate, but because I was breastfeeding, I knew I couldn't fall back into my eating disorder pattern.  By 3 months I was back in my regular clothes and enjoying every bit of motherhood!  I finally felt fulfilled and TRULY HAPPY with myself and my life, and I found a new!!!

    I loved working out so much that I eventually got a membership to a gym and dove right in, getting a personal trainer to whip my butt twice a week.  I spent countless hours in that gym...climbing the stairmill, running on the treadmill, lifting weights.  Essentially I became a "gym rat".  After years of working out 2 hours a day 6 days a week, competing in 5k's, 10k's and half marathons...I was BORED.  It took all I had to drag myself to that gym!  I was looking for something exciting and new...that's when I heard about CrossFit Round Rock and my mentor/friend/coach, Landon.  My 15 year marriage was struggling, I was feeling depressed and could also feel that eating disorder creeping it's way back into my life, due to stress.  I'll never forget my first training session with LA....I thought I was in shape, I had just run a half marathon, but the things he made me do almost made me puke all over that gym floor - haha!!  I ABSOLUTELY LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!!  To hear that timer go off and the music blaring in my ears was heaven!!  After about a month, I began to feel like an athlete, not a "gym rat".  I gained confidence and would smile at the thought of being able to tell friends and coworkers I just deadlifted 245lbs.  In the year that I've been doing CrossFit, I've competed in 3 CrossFit competitions: Fight Gone Bad 5 (second place), The Fittest Games, and the Spartan 300 Challenge (first place!), I also finished the Tough Mudder with other members from CFRR.  I never would have accomplished those things without my CFRR family, I am truly grateful for them all.  

    Although my marriage ultimately failed, I do not feel like a failure.  Failing is NOT an option for me.  I'm proud to be a coach at CrossFit Round Rock and will dedicate myself to everyone that walks into that box.  I'm the proud single mother of an amazing little boy and will do everything within my power to see that he grows up to be an amazing man/father/husband. Most of all, I'm proud of MYSELF.  I'm doing what I love and am truly blessed to have the opportunity to help others achieve their goals.  Thank you to all who have helped me get here *muah*!!!

    Thanks again for time will be shorter, I promise LOL!
    -Coach Ag
    "Strong is the new Sexy"