Mar 25, 2013

Reborn = Results

Me, Mo, Chad, Mercedes, and Lindsay.  Missing: Cory

From January 14th to March 9th, I had the pleasure of coaching 5 outstanding people through the 2013 Reborn Challenge.  This 8 week, STRICT Paleo nutrition challenge, is a great way to jump start your New Year's Resolution to get fit and eat healthy....and stay that way.  Learning to live a healthy lifestyle, rather than "dieting" will get you better results and will keep you from regaining your weight in a few months.

I am SO proud of all the hard work my team put in!  Overall, they lost over 38 pounds, 13% body fat and over 31 inches - AMAZEBALLS!!!! 

Although, EVERY SINGLE team member put in the hard work and really gave this their all, there was one guy who just jumped in head first and never looked back....Chad.  This guy started his journey in late December 2012, by signing up for Elements and then beginning classes at CFRR 3 times per week with me at 6am.  His positive attitude and eagerness to be better, look better and feel better (oh and also his upcoming nuptials) are what drove him and got him some GREAT results.

Chad's final numbers:
16.6 lbs lost
4.6% body fat lost
13.5 inches lost
Congratulations to my entire team and thank you for allowing me to help you!!!