Aug 30, 2011

Embracing the CrossFit lifestyle

Meet Sandi....a loving, dedicated mother to two handsome boys, a wife, and a CrossFitting bad ass!!!  I have known Sandi for about 4 years now, and have never seen her THIS happy and in charge of her health and fitness.  Once she tried the January CFRR Free For All, it didn't take long for her to dive in head first.  She now attends my M/W/F 5:15pm Ladies Only program, and let me tell you...she is a force to be reckoned with!!!  Here, in her own words, she talks about her journey, and how she embraced the CrossFit lifestyle:

"I started classes twice a week in February and know in my heart that I will never quit CrossFit. I do WOD's on my days away from CFRR because I love makes me feel so good to not even want to find excuses to not work out. I mean really - I can do a workout in 15 to 20 minutes - sometimes less! There is NO excuse!!! Thanks to the CFRR family, I hear coach's & friend's voices encouraging me even when I'm not at the box!

I have lost a total of 4.6 lbs, 5.51% body fat and 7.5 inches!

I have honestly never felt as strong as I do now. Strong - physically...I flex in front of the mirror - I can SEE muscles, I can pick up my sons with no problem - no more back pain (thanks to my now stronger core), I can do push ups on my toes - many of them! I ran a 5k in July in record time for me - 32:10...I love it! I constantly want to push myself in ways I didn't know I could. I'm even training for my first CrossFit competition, Fight Gone Bad 6, and couldn't be more excited!!!

Strong - mentally - I have THE most confidence in myself and my abilities to do anything than I have EVER had in my 39 years. I am more outgoing, I am truly happy with who I am, what I see in the mirror, what I wear, and most importantly for me, what decisions I make. I don't say "I can't" anymore....because I can...I can do things at CFRR that I have never done before - so if I can do it there - I know I CAN anywhere!"

BRAVO Sandi!!!  I'm SO proud of all that you have accomplished and I'm most proud of the fact that by embracing the CrossFit lifestyle, you empowered yourself as a woman.  Can't wait to cheer you on at FGB6, keep on, keepin' on!!!

-Coach Ag
"Strong is the new Sexy"

Aug 26, 2011

What makes you laugh??

Can your dog do this??  Neither can mine, but it makes me laugh every time I see this picture!!  

My puppy, Chanel, on the rings at CrossFit Round Rock.  3.5lbs of pure muscle lol!!

Sometimes work, bills and other responsibilities can get in our way of a good laugh.  I often have to be reminded to "stop and smell the roses" (thanks Beau =-) ), so now I'm reminding all of you!!  Don't be so serious all the time, acting silly and cutting up with friends and family is a HUGE stress reliever.  Make up and sing silly songs with your kids.  Dress up your dog in funny outfits and take pictures.  Watch a comedy movie with the whole family.  Have family game night.  It doesn't matter WHAT you do, just have fun doing it!  Enjoy life and get out there and laugh people!!!

-Coach Ag
"Strong is the new Sexy"

Aug 11, 2011

Determined Friends

Meet Janna and Melanie.  These two, beautiful ladies, are EXACTLY what the CFRR family is all about....inspiration, determination, motivation and friendship!!!  


Janna's husband, Chris (a Rock Star, btw), was already a member at CFRR and encouraged the girls to come to the June "Free For All", since then, they haven't looked back.  Plowing through WOD's with determination, cheers for one another, and even smiles...these ladies are a force to be reckoned with.

I have the pleasure of coaching these two during CFRR classes and they're both also a part of my "Operation Caveman" team, "Strong and Sexy"...let me tell you...never have I seen such dedication!!  I read their food logs every day and after the initial "week of shock", they've both got Paleo/Primal eating down to a tee.  Upon entering the box, Janna and Mel always have a smile on their face (Janna even smiles when rowing lol) and during the WOD you can hear them cheer and motivate each other, as well as, other members.  I'm so proud to be their coach and can't wait to see how much they accomplish at CFRR!!!!

Here's to you, Janna and Melanie!!!  Continue to be an inspiration to so many and THANK YOU for such determination and motivation.  Keep up the great work!!!

-Coach Aggie
"Strong is the new Sexy"

Aug 2, 2011

Challenge Yourself!!!

On July 23rd, 20 people from CrossFit Round Rock began a challenge like no other.  "Operation Caveman" is a 6 week Paleo/Primal food challenge that will test these athletes' strength in more ways than one.  Beginning with an INSANE WOD, these brave men and women then got weighed, body fat measurements, and (eeeek!!) pictures.

During these next 6 weeks, I have the pleasure of being the "team mom" for 5 strong, sexy ladies....hence the team name, "Strong and Sexy"!!  Each team member will be emailing me their food log every day, so I can see what needs to be changed, if anything, and will be doing "at home WOD's" as well as their regular CFRR classes.

Team "Strong and Sexy" pre-WOD (not pictured: Maureen)
I'm pretty sure the first week on this diet was - to say the least -  a shock to my lovely ladies LOL!!!  I found out who my sweet tooth's were and who gets a little cranky without their morning jolt of caffeine.  All in all, by the end of the week everyone was getting the hang of eating Paleo/Primal.  

I want to give a shout out to these 5 AMAZING women, for taking on this difficult task.  I'm so excited for them to reap the benefits of eating Paleo/Primal!!  I want them, and everyone, to understand that we should eat to live, not live to eat, and that you can empower yourself by making proper choices.  Food is fuel!!!  

Good luck ladies and remember this when you want to "cheat"...the only thing you have to lose, are pounds and fat :-)

Post WOD (not pictured: Maureen)

To everyone else, I pose this question.....
When was the last time you challenged yourself?

-Coach Ag
"Strong is the new Sexy"