Sep 21, 2012

My Jane Fonda Moment

So, as CrossFitters, we tend to think of ourselves as these super tough, awesome athletes, right?  I mean, I can deadlift 255lbs, Clean and Jerk 130, do pull ups, handstand push ups, etc....but last week while shooting a fitness video for healthy moms, I felt like a total weenie!! 

My call time was 9:45am, so I arrived at 9am for hair and make-up.  Thinking I was going to come in, film and then be out of there by lunch, I didn't pack anything to eat.  BIG mistake...I didn't end up shooting my segments until 3:00pm!!  Yes, they had craft services, but being my vain self, I didn't want to be bloated on camera, so I only nibbled on a couple carrots and some fruit.  By the time we started filming, it was clear to me that I hadn't fueled properly (DUH).  I honestly had no idea what I was in for...Seriously, TWO HOURS OF CARDIO - who does that??!!  I was thinking in my head the whole time, "Ummmmm, where's the 10 minute AMRAP in this f*cking workout?!?"...and that was just day one.  By the end of the cardio-fest, I felt like this, when I tried to pick up my legs.....

Since we ran over on day one's shoot, my call time for day two was moved to the afternoon, so man did I fuel up LOL!!  BUT....Day two was an hour and a half of lower body - WHAT?!  How in the hell did I get chosen for lower body??  I thought, "Have they seen these chicken legs?!" haha!!  I guess practicing 95lb thrusters and 24 inch box jumps with double unders and a row, a few days before shooting wasn't such a great idea...but in my defense, I didn't know what workouts I was going to be doing until the day before the shoot.  That WOD combined with the hip thrusting cardio workout from the day before, let's just say, I was a tad worried about how I was gonna get through this one.

So.  Many.  Pulsing.  Leg.  Lifts.  OMG, just SO many!!  But...I put on my CrossFit game face (with a smile for the cameras, of course!) and pushed through that baby!!

Aaaaaaaaand CUT (Aggie collapses, like she just did Fran)!!! was definitely time for some wine, I earned that shiz :)

Now, please don't take my hilariousness (yes, it's a word) and sarcasm as being ungrateful for the opportunity to be in a fitness video.  That's definitely not the case - I was absolutely honored to be a part of something that will help women stay, or get, healthy and fit!!!  Everyone at the shoot was kind, motivating, and great to work with - just an amazing, awesome experience all around.  It really made me realize that my body has changed completely in the last 2 years since starting CrossFit.  I'm not complaining, I just think I need a little bit of balance in my workouts - a little "old school" isolation exercises and definitely some more endurance - ha!  Oh yes, I can hear the laughter now from all my big, macho, CrossFit friends, about doing bicep curls and tricep kickbacks, but I don't care!!!  If I'm going to be in this business, I want to be good at's just the way I'm wired.  

I can't say much about the video because of the NDA I signed, but what I can say, is that photos and an FB page are coming within the next couple weeks.  I'll be posting them here and on my FB page,so be sure to check them out!!!

Jul 24, 2012

Wedding Bliss!!

Every girl, whether we admit it or not, has, at one time in her life, dreamed of the day she marries her Prince Charming.  Then it happens....From the time that question is popped and the engagement ring is placed on our finger we go into "Bride Mode".  Location!  Cake!  Food!  Most importantly...THE DRESS - and what we're going to do to our bodies to get INTO that dress.

Pictured below is Christie, a member of my 5:15pm class, and newlywed, at her wedding reception last Saturday.  Doesn't she look AMAZING??!! 

Now, Christie has always done a great job with her nutrition and workout routine, but as every woman knows, the closer the wedding day gets, the more stress you have and the time you had for a workout is taken up by last minute wedding details.  That's why she decided to do the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge just before her big day.  This kept her on point, and if she missed a few workouts here and there, it wasn't going to change the way that dress fit :-)  In fact, the challenge helped her get to her "wedding day goal weight" (She is currently honeymooning in Hawaii, so I have to wait to ask her if it's ok to divulge that info!). 

I'm SO excited for her to begin her new life as Mrs. Horty and I'm incredibly proud of how she has transformed herself into this beautiful, strong woman.  Best wishes Christie!!

If you're interested in doing the AdvoCare 24 day Challenge, or just want to discuss it, email me at

Jun 22, 2012

Meet Alli!!

Since day one, Allison has been laser focused on her goals and increasing her fitness level.  Every class she gets stronger and stronger.  She went from rowing to running.  From jumping pull ups to using only a blue band and kipping like a pro!  The biggest milestone?  Ummmm, she's wearing shorts for the first time in a DECADE!  Us ladies know how big of a deal that is, right?  She is, in one word....AMAZING! 

Alli on the first day of her kipping pullups :)

Alli is a regular at my 5:15pm Ladies Only classes, and every class she has the same motivating spirit and smile on her face.  I'm serious when I say this...she motivates the other women in class JUST by smiling!!  But don't let that smile fool you, she's one competitive woman!  Not just with others in class, but with herself.  Always wanting to get better, she never once stops trying...and she's SUCCEEDING!!! Recently, Alli sent me such a wonderful email, that I can't help but share it with everyone.  Here's what she wrote:

"Hi Aggie,

I have been wanting to send you a note to express my appreciation for what you and CrossFit Round Rock do.  The problem has been that I couldn’t quite articulate what I am truly thankful for – there is so much that it is kind of a convoluted mess in my mind!  Over the weekend, I had an epiphany about what CrossFit has given me – in more simple terms – PRIDE!

I had lunch at my mom’s over the weekend with most of my aunties in attendance, and everyone kept asking me how much weight I had lost.  I couldn’t answer them because, as you know, I haven’t completed a single Body Comp (Stupid!).  But, when I really thought about it, it doesn’t matter to me how much weight I have lost.  For the first time ever, I am proud of my body – not because of how it looks (which is pretty darn good for a 30+ year old mommy), but because of what it can do.  I am now motivated by making my body stronger, not thinner.  As an almost 35 year old, mother of two, I am proud of what I can physically accomplish and what I endeavor to accomplish.

My success is now measured by improving week by week in WODs, not by a number on a scale. 

One of the most fantastic parts to this journey, is that I also get to celebrate my brother’s accomplishments as well.  The CrossFit Round Rock family is such an important part of our lives!

In the absolute, best way possible, CrossFit and Aggie McCoy have changed my life and the way I see myself, and for that I am truly thankful!

I love you guys!!!"

WOW, powerful stuff right there.  THIS is why I do what I do.  No amount of money or fame is as great as making someone powerful within themselves.  

Here's to YOU, Allison.  Thank YOU for pushing beyond your limits and allowing me to stand by and watch.  I love you too!!!

~coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"

May 9, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!

I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but that's too bad...I'm going to make it one million and one!  Being a Mother is, by far, THE hardest job you will ever have....and, hands down, the most rewarding.  In honor of Mother's Day this Sunday, let's look at this list of jobs a Mother has (and I'm sure more can be added!):

CEO of household
Financial Manager
Personal Shopper
Hair Stylist
Laundry Service
Party Planner

Now think about this...we do it ALL without vacation or sick days and we do it for FREE!!  That's 24/7 service, with kisses, hugs and "I love you's" for payment.  And you know what??  We love every minute of it. 

Let me tell you a little story about how one simple thing, made me feel like the Queen of the universe and made all those jobs totally worth it.  My son, Hayden, called me from school while he was sitting at the lunch table with his friends.  I don't even remember what we talked about, but I remember telling him "I love you" at the end of the call, just like I always do.  He replied, "I love you too mom!".  When he got home that evening he told me that after he hung up the phone with me, a boy at his lunch table said "Dude, you still tell your mom you love her?  I stopped doing that a long time ago."  I was instantly appalled and thought how hurt I would be if my child acted that way.  He's only in 6th grade and he doesn't tell his mother he loves her?  BRAT - lol!!  Then Hayden said that he replied "Of course I tell my mom I love her...because I DO!" he also said every other child that was sitting at that lunch table backed him up.  Proud mama moment right there :-) 

Our kids may whine about chores and complain about having to brush their teeth, but from one mom to another, we know all the hard work we put in is so worth it!!!  Enjoy your Mother's Day and make sure someone else is doing some of those jobs I listed :-)


Apr 25, 2012

A little Personal....

So, I'll admit it...I don't really like to blog about my personal life.  I just feel like my life, is just that...MY LIFE.  Beyond that, why would anyone CARE??  I mean, I know I'm super awesome and everything, but I've got to have a few limits ;-)   All kidding aside, I just feel weird about everyone knowing my business.  I guess over the years I've just run across WAY too many judgmental people and have gotten really hurt more times than I'd like to remember, so I just closed myself off.

BUT...on this day, I'm going to open up and talk about someone I love very much, because, well....he deserves it!!  My boyfriend, Beau, is one of the most caring, loving and romantic guys on the planet.  Seriously, I don't know what I would do without him.  I'm not gonna lie, I was a COMPLETE commitment phobe when we met.  I had just gotten divorced after 15 years of marriage, and although I hated dating, I was afraid to just go out with one guy.  He stuck it out though and I eventually said "f*ck it"  and I'm not kidding when I type that....I literally said that to him hahaha!!!  We still joke about that all the time.  But that's why I love him, he just gets me and my awesome sense of humor ;-)  (yes, know it's awesome!)

Over the past year, he has helped me so much and in so many ways.  He believes in everything I do and helps me stay true to what matters most.  He makes me laugh and treats my son as if he were his own (except when it comes to discipline - such a chicken!).  I can't tell you how many cards, notes (left in my blender bottle, of course!), Edible Arrangements and bouquets of flowers I've gotten "just because".  We have a saying that started when we first met, "Never forget the little things", and he doesn't.  If anything, he reminds me I'm slacking lol. 

Thanks so much for coming into my life, babe - I love you7  (sorry, inside joke!)

Apr 18, 2012

Shout Out!!

People that know me well, know that I don't get mushy very often.  I'm not a lovey dovey, express your emotions, kinda girl (unless I'm talking to my son...or angry, then...Watch out!!).  But when I talk about my friend, mentor, and fellow coach, Landon, it's hard for me not to say nice things about him.  He definitely has his moments where I want to smack him, but for the most part, he is a genuinely nice person.  Honestly, he's like a brother to me.  We do the whole brother/sister thing, where we pretty much pick on each other non-stop, day in and day out.  He gets on my nerves, I get on his.  He teases me about being "old" and I tease him about his non-existent quads.  He gets a new haircut and I don't say anything about it (that burns him up haha!!)...Hey, I can't let his head get any bigger than it already is :)

Fight Gone Bad 5

Bottom line is...he helped change my life and I'll never be able to thank him enough for that.  He obviously saw something in me, and pushed me to be where I am today, and for that, I'll always be grateful.  With Regionals a week away, I just want him to know, how proud I am of him and all of his hard work.  I've been training right alongside him, and I'm telling you...this is the year he goes to the Games!!  I'll be at Regionals wearing a shirt with HIS name on it (barf!), and cheering him on as loudly as I can.

I'd wish you luck, LA, but we all know you don't need it.  Love ya brother!!

Apr 12, 2012


Insomnia.  Just typing that word and/or saying it makes me wish it never existed....especially in my own home!  You see, for the last 2 weeks I've been waking up, for no apparent reason, at 3am.  Which is why I laughed so hard when I found this image on Google:

I mean, really??  Could it be ANY more perfect for me?!!  

This is definitely not the first time I've had issues with the dreaded "insomnia monster", but for some reason this kicked my effing ass!!!  I'm already used to getting up at 4am, 3 days a week, to coach classes, so one hour on those days isn't a big deal.  It was the EVERY SINGLE NIGHT of going to bed at 10:30pm and waking at 3am that completely ruined me.  I felt like a zombie moving through my day.  My workouts weren't good and my attitude was poor.  Spark and coffee were my best friends - for those of you not already addicted to Spark, it's an energy drink made by AdvoCare and it's AWESOME!  (If you 'd like to try some, I'll give you a sample!)

I can already hear all of you, "Well there's your problem, you were drinking too much caffeine.".  Nope.  Sorry to disappoint you, and not give you the satisfaction of being right, it wasn't the caffeine.  I made sure to only have my caffeine fixes in the morning when I needed to be "chipper" and "bouncy" to motivate everyone in class (sorry 5:15pm, you missed out on the cracked out version of coach Aggie- ha!) or I drank some right before my workout, but never anything after 1:00pm.  I STILL, went home completely exhausted, falling into bed, sleeping as hard as a rock until - BAM! 3am.

It' SO frustrating to be that tired and exhausted and not know why you can't stay asleep.  You look at the clock and think "I've got 3 more hours to sleep" and then before you know it, you're looking at the clock again and it's been 15 minutes and you've pretty much just laid there staring at the wall.  Thirty minutes goes by, an hour goes by...same thing.   Last night I finally slept for 9 hours straight and I did nothing different - WTH??!!  But...that's pretty much how it's always been for me.  Insomnia comes and goes as it pleases, leaving me wondering what the heck I did to make this happen again.

Everyone knows insomnia can be caused by stress and caffeine, but there are some other factors that I had no idea could affect the way you sleep.  Like, eating too late in the evening, there's even a cause called "learned" insomnia.   Huh...who would want to LEARN that!?!  Click this link to read an article by the staff at the Mayo Clinic, it's filled with tons of info, even some home remedies.  

If you're suffering or have ever suffered from insomnia, I hope this helps even a little bit.  Learn to push that stress out of your life, eat well, and take care of your body - it's the only one you've got!  And if you just happen to be awake at me, we'll chat - haha!!  :)

Much Love,
coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Apr 4, 2012




  1. The action of leading a group of people or an organization.
  2. The state or position of being a leader.

I've never really thought of myself as a leader, maybe it's just the way I was raised - mom always told me to be humble!  But after reading the definition of leadership, I thought about what I do on a daily basis.  As a coach, I do lead a group of people.  As the gym manager, I do help lead an organization.  As a mother, I am in a leadership position. Funny how different things look, when you see them on paper!!!  If asked what my characteristics were, I never in a million years would've listed "a leader" as one of them - just for the record my list would include: hilarious, sarcastic and fabulously dressed :-) 

I guess it's time for me to take ownership of the fact that I am, a leader.  Maybe not a vocal leader, but a leader by example.  Hopefully, I continue to grow and embrace this, so others will continue to follow me down the "healthy highway" ha!!

Mar 28, 2012

My Struggles with Balance

Work/Life Balance....does this actually exist?  If so, I have yet to find it - LOL!!  I struggle with this pretty much on a daily basis.  My 2012 New Year's Resolution was to have it, and while it's definitely much better, I still have some work to do in order to get that complete feeling of balance in my work and my life.

I think most of my struggles come from wanting to please EVERYBODY.  My son, my boyfriend, friends, members, and fellow coaches at CFRR.  I don't think people realize how much it takes to be a CrossFit coach - a good one at least.  We don't just show up and coach a WOD, if that's what you're thinking.  Those of you that take my classes, know that if you don't show up, I text or email you to find out why.  I also make sure to congratulate and recognize my class members for their outstanding efforts in class and out.  If a member is having a hard time outside of the gym in real life?  Here comes Aggie texting, emailing or FB'ing (yes, it's a word) to make sure they're ok - let's just say on any given day, I'm emailing, texting and FB'ing A LOT of people.  Add to that my Gym Manager responsibilities and the coaches workout... I'm not left with much time.  But  PLEASE don't get me wrong - I love my job!!  It's my passion to help people change their lives for the better and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I guess I struggle the most with my family time.  It's hard to separate my work from my family, because I feel like everyone at CFRR is a part of my family!!  My boyfriend and I usually see one another for about 30 minutes in the morning and then maybe an hour or two in the evening.  We both work Saturday's quite often, so Sunday is really our only FULL day off together.  I share custody of my son with my ex-husband, so I only get to see him every other week, and even then, it's not much more than what I see my boyfriend :(  I always have tremendous guilt, because I feel I take for granted the fact that my son is, son, and he will always be my son and love me.  So, I tend to put work before anything, and that's where the guilt comes in.  I ask myself questions like "When he's older, will he understand why I worked so much?" "Does he realize I'm HELPING people?"  "Will he resent me for not being there more, or will he be proud of what I have accomplished?". SO many questions and SO much guilt.  I'm sure every working mother out there has feelings of guilt.  I know I'm not alone, for sure.  Right?  Hello??  Is anybody out there??  Cheesus, please someone tell me I'm not alone in this haha!!!

  So, what have I done since making that New Year's Resolution to improve on this work/life balance thing?  I'm glad you asked!!  ;-)  At the beginning of the year, I switched my morning classes to be back to back on the same days, so I'm not waking up at 4am every day, therefore, I'm not "grumpy mom/girlfriend" when I get home.  I also omitted two classes from my roster and just recently gave up another (you should definitely check out the Saturday 9am with coach V - she's great!).  I make sure I leave the gym by 6:30pm every night and when I get home we have a pretty strict policy of no FB or phones/computers after 7:30pm (yes, I know I'm posting this after 7:30pm on FB, but I'm still a work in progress people!!).  Those adjustments have helped a lot, but like I said, I still have some work to do.  If you have any suggestions, PLEASE..send them my way!!!!

Good luck to all you working moms out there....stay focused and stay strong!!

coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Mar 21, 2012

Dinner Impossible? Think Again!!!

If your household is like mine - filled with picky eaters - then those three words can make you cringe!!   I eat a paleo diet, and even though he tries, my boyfriend...does not.  Then throw in my 11 year old son that thinks the only vegetables in the world are carrots and green beans, and you've got some dinner time issues.  Who wants to cook three different meals each night?  NOT ME!!!

My solution?  My new "Paleo Comfort Foods" cookbook.  You see, I'm just one of those people that can eat the same thing every day and not think twice about it (ground beef, salsa and guac is my go to meal!!) so I never even look for new recipes - food is fuel, right?  My son on the other hand, looks at me each night and says "chicken AGAIN??" and even though he doesn't say it, I know my boyfriend is secretly thinking the same thing.  That look on his face says it all, lol!!  Anyway...back to my new cookbook!

I first heard about this cookbook from a member that was on my #reborn nutrition challenge team.  She was sending me her food logs and everything sounded SO yummy!  So, while I was at the Paleo F/X seminar last week, I purchased myself a copy.  Of course, when I look through it, EVERYTHING looks delish!  But I needed my two picky eaters to agree with my choices, so last night I had them look it over.  Let me tell you....if it had the word "mushroom" or the picture had "green thingys" (and that wasn't my 11 year old saying that either!!) in was a no go.  "I can change some of the ingredients guys." is all I said, then it was "oooooh, this one looks good, but without those nasty mushrooms."  I'm pretty sure I heard angels sing at that moment haha!!  Seriously?  We ALL agree on 3 new meals??  3 might not be much to some, but to me it was a miracle!!  Our first main dish recipe to try will be a pork tenderloin stuffed with pecash (pecan/cashew) butter and apples...I'll let you know how it goes - Fingers Crossed!!!

So, Aggie's tip for the gluten free, paleo dieting,  busy mom with picky eaters?  Go buy this cookbook STAT!! 

Mar 14, 2012


Missing: Tiffany and Vanessa

On January 14th, this team of incredible people began CFRR's #reborn Nutrition Challenge, and I was blessed with being their coach through 8 weeks of strict Paleo.  The first week was a little rough for some, but by week 2 and 3, we were in our groove and the food logs they were sending me, were spot on. 

From the beginning the members of team PTFO (there's a story behind that name, but that's a whole other blog haha!!) were a united front.  Emailing recipes, giving each other encouragement, being honest with one another (and me!) about how they felt, and what they were eating.  As a coach, this is one of my favorite things to witness...people that WANT change and actually DO the work to get it.  The whole team was ready, willing and committed to achieving their goals and it showed in their results.

March 10th marked the end of their journey and I could not be more proud of these athletes!!!  Each one of them lost inches, weight and body fat, as well as PR'd their challenge WOD, but more importantly....gained knowledge and healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

You are forever engrained in my heart PTFO'ers!!!  I know you will continue with this lifestyle and I CANNOT wait to watch you continue to grow - ummm, I mean SHRINK lol ;-)!!! 

Much Love and ...PTFO!
~coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy

Feb 29, 2012

Southwestern Frittata

Tired of plain eggs in the morning?  Check out this breakfast recipe I found on

Southwestern Frittata
1tablespoon coconut oil
1/4 cup yellow onion, finely diced
1 small jalapeno, seeds removed and minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup sweet potato, peeled and grated
1 pound grass fed ground beef 
1 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 cup salsa verde
12 eggs
Sea Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350. In a large saute pan, saute the onions and minced jalapeno in the coconut oil over medium heat until the onions are translucent.  Add the ground beef and cook just until it starts to brown and add the grated sweet potato and garlic.  Cook until the beef is completely browned and the sweet potato is soft.  Add the chili powder, cumin, and salsa, stir and cook until heated through.  Taste and season with a little sea salt if desired.  Transfer the meat mixture to a 11×7 glass baking dish and spread the meat mixture evenly over the bottom of the pan.  In a large mixing bowl, beat together the 12 eggs add pour over the meat mixture in the baking dish.  Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes.  Uncover and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes or until the eggs are set in the middle when you jiggle the pan.

Hope you all enjoy this, I can't wait to try it myself!!!  

"Strong is the New Sexy"

Feb 22, 2012

What Defines YOU?

Many of you already know that last week I injured myself during "Diane" (21-15-9 deadlifts @155lbs and HSPU's).  Well, after a 3 hour doctor visit and x-rays, I was diagnosed with a herniated disk, which hits a nerve that sends shooting pain all the way from my right lat, under my arm pit and underneath my breast.  Basically, making it feel like my rib is jabbing my lung, causing me to be short of breath.  "WHAT??!!  You've got to be kidding me, right?  The week before the CrossFit Games Open and I injure my back??", was my instant reaction.  "How can this be happening?", I asked myself.  Not only that, but hearing the doctor say "Anytime in the future, that you lift heavy weight overhead or on your back, this could happen."  Ummmmmmmm....that's my JOB!  Needless to say..I was bummed.  

I had been training for the Open for almost 6 months and now it was all over?  MAJOR wake up call....who am I, if I don't compete?  Then my amazingly smart (so he thinks) ;-) boyfriend, hit me with it..."You just have to realize that you may not be the person that can RX everything and be good with it."  HUH??!!  Not RX??  Are you nuts??!!!  It was like he was speaking some other language lol. 

But he was also, although I HATE to admit this... RIGHT.  Yes, I am a competitor, but first and foremost I am a COACH.  I truly didn't become a CrossFit coach to be a Games competitor.  I became a coach, because I LOVE helping and motivating people to reach their goals.  I'm a true believer in the saying "Everything happens for a reason".  Even when it's something that hurts me, emotionally or physically, I still  believe in my heart there's a bigger reason it happened to me.  There was a reason I was married for 15 years - it gave me my amazing son!  There was a reason I got divorced - it allowed me to be the person I was truly meant to be!  With that being said, there is obviously a reason I injured my back, and soon, I'll know what that reason is.  Competitions don't define me.  I define ME.

Since being injured, my class members and clients have been nothing but supportive.  One of them even said "I don't care if you ever pick up a weight again.  I know you CAN, but it doesn't matter to me.  What matters most, is that I KNOW you are there for ME."  Makes me tear up just reading it!!  So, with that, I leave the sadness, and disappointment behind me.  Because, really...what do I have to be sad about?  I can still workout (as soon as I heal, of course....that was for you Adrien!!), I still have the dream job I love, and I can still help people.  That's what it's all about!!  That competitor will always be inside me, but as long as I am living up to my coach "label", I'm good with being exactly that!

***A few SHOUT OUTS!!!****

Thank you, Team mom, for taking me to the doctor and sitting with me for an entire day.  I know you have tons of work to do all the time, so it meant a lot that you stayed to make sure I was ok :)

A BIG Thanks to my #reborn challenge team, PTFO, for sending me that DELICIOUS Edible Arrangement - you're the best!!

Thank you CP, for checking me out and sending me to the doctor!!

Thank you to my babes, for helping me to always see the brighter side of things.  I love you!! 

Thank you to ALL of my friends, family, members and clients for all of your well wishes.  And remember...just because I can't lift something right now, I can still kick your butts in class :)

coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"


Feb 15, 2012

Doing it for Herself

When I first met Candi, she was the typical CrossFit "non-believer".  She would come in and do the WOD, but there wasn't really any talking or real commitment in her eyes.  Then something clicked...she began to see results and started bonding with the other members.  This is Candi now....

True commitment to herself and her health, has helped her shed over 20 pounds!  She's also using RX weight in most of her WOD's and coming in first for women on the whiteboards.  Oh, how I LOVE  stories like this!!  To have a "non-believer" and then watch them transform into someone that not only believes in CrossFit, but believes in's a very powerful thing.  

Here she is, in her own words, explaining her journey.

"Crossfit has changed my life in so many ways.  I am now physically, emotionally, and mentally stronger.  I had been looking for that support group, that helps encourage me to do better, and I have found it at CFRR.  Coach Aggie has helped me during my journey, by pushing me to do better each time, as well as, all the women in the class.  She makes sure you get the best workout for your body.  I started this journey with my best friend, because she wanted to do it, but now I do it for me." 

I am SO incredibly proud of you Candi!!  You have come so far, in such a short amount of time.  The future holds nothing but more accomplishments for you and I'm so excited I get to be the one to guide you, push you and share in your achievements!!  

coach Aggie

Feb 8, 2012

Attitude is Everything

Positive or Negative...
Attitude is Everything.  

Self Improvement.  Personal Betterment.  Whatever you want to call it, you have to have the right attitude in order to do either one.  Do you really think you're going to get that max height box jump of 30, 40 or even 50 inches if you doubt yourself?  What about that new position at your job you've been working long hours for?  If you have negative thoughts, it won't happen.  You've got to put those positive thoughts in your head and say "I KNOW I CAN DO THIS!!".  

We've all had days where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but that doesn't mean you have to stay there!!  Brush off what's bothering you and make the decision to be's really that simple.  With the right attitude you can achieve more than you know - bettering you AND those around you.  So...choose to get better or stay stuck where you are?  It's your choice!!

- coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Feb 1, 2012

Above and Beyond

We use the term "PR" a lot at CFRR.  It stands for "Personal Record".  When someone hits a PR, I can't tell you the satisfaction I get!!  To see their faces light up, because they went above and beyond what they had previously lifted, ran or rowed, is a truly amazing experience.

As CrossFitters, we sometimes get caught up in, who has the best time on the whiteboard, or who got the most rounds in an AMRAP, but what it all comes down to is YOUR personal betterment.  When we do benchmark WOD's, like our 5k this week, and people can actually SEE that they're improving, it's so unbelievably gratifying to watch that light bulb go off in their head "I AM getting faster!". 

I can't tell you how proud I am of each and every one of my class members.  EVERY class had amazing PR's and the amount of support everyone showed for one another was a beautiful thing to see.  CONGRATS TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!  Keep on keepin' on!!!

Jan 25, 2012

Mission Accomplished!!!


Three of the most important words I've ever said....besides "I love you", of course :)

What a feeling of accomplishment it was to participate in the 2012 Fittest Games!!  I went into it this time with a much more positive attitude than I had last year.  Last year, it was my first "official" competition and I had no idea what to expect.  In 2011, I learned the snatch TWO DAYS before the games!!  I was terrified of that damn movement, to be honest, and I let it psych me out completely.  I ended up scaling the weight from 65#'s to just the bar and when the 2011 Fittest Games were over, I was left with a feeling of defeat.  NOT a feeling I like AT ALL!!!  This year, I was ready.  I knew the movements, and had practiced them over and over to get them as close to perfect as possible.  I went in with the mindset that all I can do is my very best, and that's exactly what I did.  The first two WOD's I wasn't really worried about, they all contained my strengths, but WOD 3, it contained my nemesis...the snatch - and it was a 1 rep max snatch at that!  Seeing as how my max in 2011 was the bar (LOL), I told myself, "as long as I get more than the bar, I'm good".  I ended up with TWO PR's in that WOD - my snatch went from 45#'s to 85#'s and my overhead squat went from 65#'s to 75#'s - #WINNING!!!!!!

Yesterday was my first workout since the games, and I had this feeling of confidence and calmness as I took on a 3 rep max box squat.  I PR'd by 30#'s, going from 155 to 185!!  I found myself not even questioning the fact that Adrien and V kept throwing 20#'s on every round lol!!  I've said this SO many times before...if you're trying, you're not failing.  You only fail if you choose not to try and be the best you, you can be.  Because really, what does it matter if you don't get that PR?  You TRIED, didn't you??

I want to thank each and every member, friend and teammate that came out last Saturday and supported me - without you, I am nothing!!  A BIG thanks to coach Mark, coach Adrien, and coach V,  who stayed on the sidelines all day, splitting their time between 4 competitors from CFRR.... A-TEAM baby!!!  Nina, the biggest CFRR promoter in the history of promoters (hahaha)....THANK YOU for the love, cheering and the great pics!!

A VERY SPECIAL THANKS to my amazing boyfriend, Beau.  Your faith in me never waivered.  Not once, did you doubt I could do it, even when I doubted myself.  You are my rock and my reason - I LOVE YOU!!!!

**Side note***
I can't tell you how many people came up to me and said "WOW, CrossFit Round have a HUGE group out here today!"  All I could do was smile and say "DUH!  We have the BEST members EVER!!"  #family :)

coach Ag
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Jan 18, 2012

Preparing the Mind

3 More Days Until...

I've been preparing my body for this for a while. This week, I'm preparing my mind.  As coaches we sometimes slip in our mindset.  We don't get the constant recognition that we give our class members for doing well in a WOD or getting a PR on a max lift, so it's easier for us to doubt ourselves and lack in the self confidence department.  I'm one of those people that likes to win, so to prepare my mind I've been telling myself that just by signing up, I'm #WINNING!!!!!  And it's SO true, not just in CrossFit competitions, but in every day life as well.  

When you reach for something, whether or not you accomplish it doesn't matter...TRYING, even if you fail the first, second or tenth time is #WINNING.  So, while I'm praying to the CrossFit Gods that there are no squat snatches or thrusters in the WODs Saturday, I'll be telling myself, "Don't sweat it.  You trained for this.  You have done this before.  You will do your very best.  You signed up when others didn't.  You've already won!"

***Shout out to my fellow CFRR peeps competing: coach Landon, Anna, and Dominic***

A special shout out to Texana, you'll get 'em next year girl!  Hope that back gets better soon :)

Click HERE for the Fittest Games website and for info on how you can come and cheer us on!!!!  Let's show them our CFRR Family spirit!!!!

coach Ag
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Jan 11, 2012

Measure your success!!!

We talk A LOT about goal setting at CFRR.  Why?  Because it's the best way to measure your success!

Think about it....How many times have you said to yourself "I'm going to lose weight."??  While that's a great thing to say, just how do you plan on getting there?  Let's change that sentence to "I'm going to lose 5 pounds in 3 weeks." just set a goal for yourself.  Now you have something measurable to track your success and keep you motivated for that next 5 pounds.

Setting goals and reaching them is an instant confidence booster.  Let me tell you a little story about a class member of mine..some of you know her as Sandizzle, I just call her Sandi LOL :)

Sandi had been attending CrossFit Round Rock classes for about 5 or 6 months, when she came to me and said she wanted to do the Fight Gone Bad competition in September.  I could see her getting stronger in class and knew this was definitely an attainable goal for her.  We talked about goals for her to reach during WODs, and goals for the nutrition aspect as well.  Those were all easy for her, it was the mental part that she would struggle with.  "Can I do it?", "Am I strong enough?", those same questions we all ask ourselves from time to time.  As time went by and the competition got closer, I could see her gaining more and more self confidence.  In her WODs, the way she dressed, even the way she broke out of her shell and began to do things outside of her regular group of friends.

Sandizzle during FGB6...FIERCE!

Sandi and I when her heat was over - she did it!!!

I can't tell you how proud I was of Sandi when the competition was over....we actually both sat on the floor, hugged and cried (above pic) haha!!  It was HER shining moment and I felt honored to have been a part of her reaching a goal she worked so hard for.  To put it bluntly...I live for that sh*t!!  haha!! 

Not only do the coaches at CrossFit Round Rock make your body stronger, we strive to make your mind stronger too.  By setting attainable goals for yourself, you'll build self confidence and push yourself even harder to get to the next goal on your list.  It might not be January 1st anymore, buy it's still a new year and it's NEVER too late to make a resolution.  Set some attainable goals for yourself and get that confidence boost you need to go to the next level!!!

 Much love!!
~ coach Ag
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Jan 4, 2012

Release that inner Lion!!

On January 21st, I'm competing in The 2012 Fittest Games.  It's been about 8 months since I've competed in any CrossFit competitions. Having had an injury where I pulled all the muscles in my left ribcage, could barely breathe or drive a car, and couldn't workout for 2+ months, I'm not gonna lie...I'm terrified.  I feel like I've lost a lot of my strength pressing overhead, and my kip is just now getting back to "somewhat" normal.  But....I have to start somewhere, right?  I'm working hard and seeing improvements every day.  I'm going into The Fittest Games with a positive outlook and attitude, because let's face it....I'm trying my best and that's all I can do, right?

Inner confidence is a HUGE part of CrossFit.  You have to be confident you can do the movements, you can lift the weight, you can handle the endurance.  Without confidence, you will fail and well....failure is NOT an option for me.  I may not be at the top of the leader board that day, but I'll know in my heart and mind that I did my best and when you do your best, you're never a failure.  Like the picture above, I don't see a kitten when I look in the mirror, I see a lion ready to attack anything in my way to get what I want.  What do you see when you look in the mirror?     

Believe in yourself, and you can achieve ANYTHING!

~coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"

“Insecurity will always rent the space it occupies, but confidence will own the building, and any other room it steps in.” ~ author unkonwn