Jan 25, 2012

Mission Accomplished!!!


Three of the most important words I've ever said....besides "I love you", of course :)

What a feeling of accomplishment it was to participate in the 2012 Fittest Games!!  I went into it this time with a much more positive attitude than I had last year.  Last year, it was my first "official" competition and I had no idea what to expect.  In 2011, I learned the snatch TWO DAYS before the games!!  I was terrified of that damn movement, to be honest, and I let it psych me out completely.  I ended up scaling the weight from 65#'s to just the bar and when the 2011 Fittest Games were over, I was left with a feeling of defeat.  NOT a feeling I like AT ALL!!!  This year, I was ready.  I knew the movements, and had practiced them over and over to get them as close to perfect as possible.  I went in with the mindset that all I can do is my very best, and that's exactly what I did.  The first two WOD's I wasn't really worried about, they all contained my strengths, but WOD 3, it contained my nemesis...the snatch - and it was a 1 rep max snatch at that!  Seeing as how my max in 2011 was the bar (LOL), I told myself, "as long as I get more than the bar, I'm good".  I ended up with TWO PR's in that WOD - my snatch went from 45#'s to 85#'s and my overhead squat went from 65#'s to 75#'s - #WINNING!!!!!!

Yesterday was my first workout since the games, and I had this feeling of confidence and calmness as I took on a 3 rep max box squat.  I PR'd by 30#'s, going from 155 to 185!!  I found myself not even questioning the fact that Adrien and V kept throwing 20#'s on every round lol!!  I've said this SO many times before...if you're trying, you're not failing.  You only fail if you choose not to try and be the best you, you can be.  Because really, what does it matter if you don't get that PR?  You TRIED, didn't you??

I want to thank each and every member, friend and teammate that came out last Saturday and supported me - without you, I am nothing!!  A BIG thanks to coach Mark, coach Adrien, and coach V,  who stayed on the sidelines all day, splitting their time between 4 competitors from CFRR.... A-TEAM baby!!!  Nina, the biggest CFRR promoter in the history of promoters (hahaha)....THANK YOU for the love, cheering and the great pics!!

A VERY SPECIAL THANKS to my amazing boyfriend, Beau.  Your faith in me never waivered.  Not once, did you doubt I could do it, even when I doubted myself.  You are my rock and my reason - I LOVE YOU!!!!

**Side note***
I can't tell you how many people came up to me and said "WOW, CrossFit Round Rock....you have a HUGE group out here today!"  All I could do was smile and say "DUH!  We have the BEST members EVER!!"  #family :)

coach Ag
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Jan 18, 2012

Preparing the Mind

3 More Days Until...

I've been preparing my body for this for a while. This week, I'm preparing my mind.  As coaches we sometimes slip in our mindset.  We don't get the constant recognition that we give our class members for doing well in a WOD or getting a PR on a max lift, so it's easier for us to doubt ourselves and lack in the self confidence department.  I'm one of those people that likes to win, so to prepare my mind I've been telling myself that just by signing up, I'm #WINNING!!!!!  And it's SO true, not just in CrossFit competitions, but in every day life as well.  

When you reach for something, whether or not you accomplish it doesn't matter...TRYING, even if you fail the first, second or tenth time is #WINNING.  So, while I'm praying to the CrossFit Gods that there are no squat snatches or thrusters in the WODs Saturday, I'll be telling myself, "Don't sweat it.  You trained for this.  You have done this before.  You will do your very best.  You signed up when others didn't.  You've already won!"

***Shout out to my fellow CFRR peeps competing: coach Landon, Anna, and Dominic***

A special shout out to Texana, you'll get 'em next year girl!  Hope that back gets better soon :)

Click HERE for the Fittest Games website and for info on how you can come and cheer us on!!!!  Let's show them our CFRR Family spirit!!!!

coach Ag
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Jan 11, 2012

Measure your success!!!

We talk A LOT about goal setting at CFRR.  Why?  Because it's the best way to measure your success!

Think about it....How many times have you said to yourself "I'm going to lose weight."??  While that's a great thing to say, just how do you plan on getting there?  Let's change that sentence to "I'm going to lose 5 pounds in 3 weeks."  BOOM...you just set a goal for yourself.  Now you have something measurable to track your success and keep you motivated for that next 5 pounds.

Setting goals and reaching them is an instant confidence booster.  Let me tell you a little story about a class member of mine..some of you know her as Sandizzle, I just call her Sandi LOL :)

Sandi had been attending CrossFit Round Rock classes for about 5 or 6 months, when she came to me and said she wanted to do the Fight Gone Bad competition in September.  I could see her getting stronger in class and knew this was definitely an attainable goal for her.  We talked about goals for her to reach during WODs, and goals for the nutrition aspect as well.  Those were all easy for her, it was the mental part that she would struggle with.  "Can I do it?", "Am I strong enough?", those same questions we all ask ourselves from time to time.  As time went by and the competition got closer, I could see her gaining more and more self confidence.  In her WODs, the way she dressed, even the way she broke out of her shell and began to do things outside of her regular group of friends.

Sandizzle during FGB6...FIERCE!

Sandi and I when her heat was over - she did it!!!

I can't tell you how proud I was of Sandi when the competition was over....we actually both sat on the floor, hugged and cried (above pic) haha!!  It was HER shining moment and I felt honored to have been a part of her reaching a goal she worked so hard for.  To put it bluntly...I live for that sh*t!!  haha!! 

Not only do the coaches at CrossFit Round Rock make your body stronger, we strive to make your mind stronger too.  By setting attainable goals for yourself, you'll build self confidence and push yourself even harder to get to the next goal on your list.  It might not be January 1st anymore, buy it's still a new year and it's NEVER too late to make a resolution.  Set some attainable goals for yourself and get that confidence boost you need to go to the next level!!!

 Much love!!
~ coach Ag
"Strong is the New Sexy"

Jan 4, 2012

Release that inner Lion!!

On January 21st, I'm competing in The 2012 Fittest Games.  It's been about 8 months since I've competed in any CrossFit competitions. Having had an injury where I pulled all the muscles in my left ribcage, could barely breathe or drive a car, and couldn't workout for 2+ months, I'm not gonna lie...I'm terrified.  I feel like I've lost a lot of my strength pressing overhead, and my kip is just now getting back to "somewhat" normal.  But....I have to start somewhere, right?  I'm working hard and seeing improvements every day.  I'm going into The Fittest Games with a positive outlook and attitude, because let's face it....I'm trying my best and that's all I can do, right?

Inner confidence is a HUGE part of CrossFit.  You have to be confident you can do the movements, you can lift the weight, you can handle the endurance.  Without confidence, you will fail and well....failure is NOT an option for me.  I may not be at the top of the leader board that day, but I'll know in my heart and mind that I did my best and when you do your best, you're never a failure.  Like the picture above, I don't see a kitten when I look in the mirror, I see a lion ready to attack anything in my way to get what I want.  What do you see when you look in the mirror?     

Believe in yourself, and you can achieve ANYTHING!

~coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"

“Insecurity will always rent the space it occupies, but confidence will own the building, and any other room it steps in.” ~ author unkonwn