Jun 22, 2012

Meet Alli!!

Since day one, Allison has been laser focused on her goals and increasing her fitness level.  Every class she gets stronger and stronger.  She went from rowing to running.  From jumping pull ups to using only a blue band and kipping like a pro!  The biggest milestone?  Ummmm, she's wearing shorts for the first time in a DECADE!  Us ladies know how big of a deal that is, right?  She is, in one word....AMAZING! 

Alli on the first day of her kipping pullups :)

Alli is a regular at my 5:15pm Ladies Only classes, and every class she has the same motivating spirit and smile on her face.  I'm serious when I say this...she motivates the other women in class JUST by smiling!!  But don't let that smile fool you, she's one competitive woman!  Not just with others in class, but with herself.  Always wanting to get better, she never once stops trying...and she's SUCCEEDING!!! Recently, Alli sent me such a wonderful email, that I can't help but share it with everyone.  Here's what she wrote:

"Hi Aggie,

I have been wanting to send you a note to express my appreciation for what you and CrossFit Round Rock do.  The problem has been that I couldn’t quite articulate what I am truly thankful for – there is so much that it is kind of a convoluted mess in my mind!  Over the weekend, I had an epiphany about what CrossFit has given me – in more simple terms – PRIDE!

I had lunch at my mom’s over the weekend with most of my aunties in attendance, and everyone kept asking me how much weight I had lost.  I couldn’t answer them because, as you know, I haven’t completed a single Body Comp (Stupid!).  But, when I really thought about it, it doesn’t matter to me how much weight I have lost.  For the first time ever, I am proud of my body – not because of how it looks (which is pretty darn good for a 30+ year old mommy), but because of what it can do.  I am now motivated by making my body stronger, not thinner.  As an almost 35 year old, mother of two, I am proud of what I can physically accomplish and what I endeavor to accomplish.

My success is now measured by improving week by week in WODs, not by a number on a scale. 

One of the most fantastic parts to this journey, is that I also get to celebrate my brother’s accomplishments as well.  The CrossFit Round Rock family is such an important part of our lives!

In the absolute, best way possible, CrossFit and Aggie McCoy have changed my life and the way I see myself, and for that I am truly thankful!

I love you guys!!!"

WOW, powerful stuff right there.  THIS is why I do what I do.  No amount of money or fame is as great as making someone powerful within themselves.  

Here's to YOU, Allison.  Thank YOU for pushing beyond your limits and allowing me to stand by and watch.  I love you too!!!

~coach Aggie
"Strong is the New Sexy"