Sep 21, 2012

My Jane Fonda Moment

So, as CrossFitters, we tend to think of ourselves as these super tough, awesome athletes, right?  I mean, I can deadlift 255lbs, Clean and Jerk 130, do pull ups, handstand push ups, etc....but last week while shooting a fitness video for healthy moms, I felt like a total weenie!! 

My call time was 9:45am, so I arrived at 9am for hair and make-up.  Thinking I was going to come in, film and then be out of there by lunch, I didn't pack anything to eat.  BIG mistake...I didn't end up shooting my segments until 3:00pm!!  Yes, they had craft services, but being my vain self, I didn't want to be bloated on camera, so I only nibbled on a couple carrots and some fruit.  By the time we started filming, it was clear to me that I hadn't fueled properly (DUH).  I honestly had no idea what I was in for...Seriously, TWO HOURS OF CARDIO - who does that??!!  I was thinking in my head the whole time, "Ummmmm, where's the 10 minute AMRAP in this f*cking workout?!?"...and that was just day one.  By the end of the cardio-fest, I felt like this, when I tried to pick up my legs.....

Since we ran over on day one's shoot, my call time for day two was moved to the afternoon, so man did I fuel up LOL!!  BUT....Day two was an hour and a half of lower body - WHAT?!  How in the hell did I get chosen for lower body??  I thought, "Have they seen these chicken legs?!" haha!!  I guess practicing 95lb thrusters and 24 inch box jumps with double unders and a row, a few days before shooting wasn't such a great idea...but in my defense, I didn't know what workouts I was going to be doing until the day before the shoot.  That WOD combined with the hip thrusting cardio workout from the day before, let's just say, I was a tad worried about how I was gonna get through this one.

So.  Many.  Pulsing.  Leg.  Lifts.  OMG, just SO many!!  But...I put on my CrossFit game face (with a smile for the cameras, of course!) and pushed through that baby!!

Aaaaaaaaand CUT (Aggie collapses, like she just did Fran)!!! was definitely time for some wine, I earned that shiz :)

Now, please don't take my hilariousness (yes, it's a word) and sarcasm as being ungrateful for the opportunity to be in a fitness video.  That's definitely not the case - I was absolutely honored to be a part of something that will help women stay, or get, healthy and fit!!!  Everyone at the shoot was kind, motivating, and great to work with - just an amazing, awesome experience all around.  It really made me realize that my body has changed completely in the last 2 years since starting CrossFit.  I'm not complaining, I just think I need a little bit of balance in my workouts - a little "old school" isolation exercises and definitely some more endurance - ha!  Oh yes, I can hear the laughter now from all my big, macho, CrossFit friends, about doing bicep curls and tricep kickbacks, but I don't care!!!  If I'm going to be in this business, I want to be good at's just the way I'm wired.  

I can't say much about the video because of the NDA I signed, but what I can say, is that photos and an FB page are coming within the next couple weeks.  I'll be posting them here and on my FB page,so be sure to check them out!!!