Sep 28, 2011

Setting Goals

A few months ago, I sat down with my bosses at CFRR (yes, it KILLS me to call LA my boss haha- jk, buddy!) and we went over my goals.  I set 3, 6 and 11 month goals for personal, career, and financials.  Well, I'm super pumped to announce that starting October 3rd, I will have reached one of my goals 9 MONTHS ahead of schedule - how awesome is that??!!!

As most of you know, I've worked a 40 hour per week job and have coached CrossFit in the evenings for quite some time.  Beginning Monday I'll be going part time at my office job and I'll get to do more of what I absolutely love - coach!!!  I feel that this opportunity is SUCH a blessing and I am extremely excited (can't you tell by all the !!!'s??) :-)

Here are a few tips to help you set your goals and, hopefully, achieve all that you desire!!! 

- WRITE DOWN THOSE GOALS!!!  Putting something in writing is like creating a contract with yourself.  Plus, when you actually SEE the goal in front of you, it will remind you what you need to do daily, to get there.

- MAKE SURE YOUR GOALS ARE REALISTIC. It's important that the time frame you set to achieve your goal is attainable, that way you don't become discouraged when you're not able to reach that particular goal.

- SET SHORT TERM and LONG TERM GOALS.  Short term goals allow you a sense of accomplishment on a more regular basis. If all of your goals are long term, you'll get discouraged quickly. Short term goals help you to stay on track.

- PRIORITIZE!!!!  Sort the goals you have written down in order of importance.

- REWARD YOURSELF!!!  Rewarding yourself when you reach a short term goal, will help you stay focused and motivated to reach those long term goals.  Plus, celebrating your accomplishment is FUN!!

Now......get out that paper and start writing out your goals!!! 
See it.  Believe it.  Achieve it.

-coach Aggie
"Strong is the new Sexy"

Sep 20, 2011

Delicious Paleo Salisbury Steak with Mashed "Potatoes"

Here's an amazing recipe for salisbury steak, I got from  Of course I added/deleted a few things, but for the most part it's the same recipe.  The "potatoes" I just kind of made up as I went along, thankfully they turned out!!  Here's the list of ingredients, followed by the recipe, ENJOY!!!

Salisbury Steak
2 pounds of ground beef
1 cup spinach, finely diced
1 egg
1 teaspoon crushed garlic
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon dried thyme
½ teaspoon rubbed sage
¼ teaspoon ground marjoram
¼ teaspoon finely ground black pepper
2 tablespoons grass fed butter, ghee, or coconut oil
4 tablespoons butter
1 red onion thinly sliced
½ red bell pepper thinly sliced
2 cups sliced crimini mushrooms
1 cup beef broth
¼ cup coconut milk
Black pepper to taste

In a large mixing bowl place all the ingredients for the steaks and using your hands mix well.  In a large skillet, heat the butter over medium high heat.  While the butter is melting, form the hamburger mixture into thin oval patties (makes 7-8).  Place the patties into the hot melted butter, make sure it sizzles, you want the pan to be nice and hot!  Cook for 2 minutes on each side, the meat should be nice and browned on both sides. You’ll have to cook these in batches so add more butter or coconut oil if necessary. Once all the steaks are done, place in the oven to keep warm and now it’s time for the gravy!

In the same pan that you just cooked your steaks in, melt the butter over medium heat. Saute the onions, bell pepper, and mushrooms in the butter until tender, about 7-8 minutes.  Add the beef broth and deglaze the pan (scrape all the bits off the bottom of the pan that might still be there from cooking the steaks).  

Bring to a boil and add the coconut milk and pepper.  Mix well, bring back to a boil.  At this point you’ll want to turn the heat down until the gravy is just simmering.  Now you’ll want to reduce down the gravy by stirring frequently for about 10 minutes until the sauce starts to thicken.
Paleo Mashed "Potatoes"
1 head cauliflower
minced garlic
sea salt
ghee or organic butter

Wash and cut cauliflower into small pieces. 
Place chopped cauliflower, sea salt, pepper and garlic into a steamer bag and steam according to directions on bag (about 4 mins). 
Put steamed cauliflower in a blender or food processor with organic butter (add more sea slat, pepper and garlic if needed) and puree until smooth like mashed potatoes.
Serve alongside the salisbury steak and you've got one healthy and GREAT tasting meal!!

Happy eating!!

-Coach Ag
"Strong is the new Sexy"

Sep 13, 2011

Push Yourself!!!

If you don't look like this after your WOD....

Chances are you may not be pushing yourself hard enough.

Increase that weight!  Don't walk during a run, even when your head is telling you you're tired!  Make a goal for yourself, if you did 5 reps in a row without stopping last time, do 7 this time!

CrossFit is all about goals. You're competing against yourself, so don't be afraid to set them high.  If you fail, brush it off and try again next time.  When you TRY, you're only making yourself stronger.  Your success is up to YOU.

The CrossFit Games will be on ESPN2 beginning Wednesday, September 14th.  I'm super stoked!!  My DVR is set and I'll be in my PJ's watching them for sure.  You should too, it's a GREAT way to get/stay motivated!!!

Much love, 
-Coach Ag
"Strong is the new Sexy"

Sep 7, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

CONGRATULATIONS to my team, Strong and Sexy!!!  

Their Labor Day weekend began with an insanely hard WOD (1k run, 20 burpees, 40 ring rows, 60 KB swings, 80 wall ball, 100 sledge hammers, and another 1k run) and getting the results from their 6 weeks on a strict Paleo/Primal food challenge -  "Operation Caveman".  The total inches, pounds and body fat lost are absolutely astounding - I am SO proud of each and every one of them!!!  

All together these women lost 38lbs, 21.46% body fat, and 35 inches, which makes this coach one happy girl =-)  The best part of it all though....every single one of them have expressed, that the Paleo/Primal lifestyle is going to be their way of life FOREVER - Mission Accomplished!!!  Not only did these ladies choose a healthy lifestyle and get some major results, but they also became each others support group and cheering section.  It was amazing to see such camaraderie between them and I will forever hold each of them in a special place in my heart .  Congrats ladies, I <3 you!!!!!